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Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust | Elections 2024

Election for 2024 are now open

Click here to see Elections Page

Tihei Rangitāne!

E koro mā, e kui mā i te pō, moe mai rā ki roto i te Wāhi Ngaro. Tēnei rā ā koutou mokopuna te tangi atu nei, te haku atu nei, te mōteatea atu nei ki a koutou. Tēnei rā mātau te whāriki atu nei i ngā kōrero, i ngā whakapapa, i ngā mahere whenua, me ngā whakaahua e pā ana ki tō tātau Rangitānetanga, e pā ana hoki ki ā tātau kerēme ki te Karauna. Ka tāia ēnei āhuatanga ki ēnei pukapuka e whitu nei, hei titiro, hei akoako, hei tuku iho mā ā koutou mokopuna ki roto i ngā whakatipuranga kei te heke mai. E rārangi mai nei ko ngā kerēme a Rangitāne, e whakaatu ana i ngā hara i pā mai ki a tāua me ngā mamae hoki.
To our koroua and kuia, we greet you and wish you sound rest in the afterworld. We are your grandchildren, and we remember and celebrate your legacy. We have set forth our kōrero, our whakapapa, and maps and photographs that reflect our Rangitānetanga, as it relates to our claims against the Crown. We have published this information here so that your descendants can learn and transmit our Rangitānetanga for generations to come. We have set out our claims against the Crown, as an expression of the injustices and pain that we experienced.

Paku Whakamārama | Short Introduction

The Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust is the post-settlement governance entity, or PSGE, for Rangitāne o Wairarapa and Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua. The Trust was ratified by the iwi in late 2013 and established in March 2014. It was established prior to the comprehensive iwi settlement and currently holds assets obtained during the negotiations.
The Trust has received all the Treaty Settlement assets from the Crown and is responsible for the overall management of those assets. It may do so with the assistance of subsidiaries established by the Trust or related entities through contractual arrangements.

Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust Annual Report 2023

Download PDF of Annual Report
View the PDF or flick through the Flipbook.  Click the ‘full-screen button’ in the bottom right corner to view full screen of flipbook.

Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust is made up of various entities

Tū Mai Rā Investments

Our role is to sustainably grow the assets of Rangitāne.

Tū Mai Rā Energy

Tū Mai Rā Energy is using its connection to Māui as inspiration to once again tame the sun and harness its energy, and other natural elements.


Rangitāne o Tamaki nui Rua Incorporated
Rangitāne o Wairarapa Incorporated

Whakapā mai | Contact Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust

Registered Members


2017 Settlement Value ($ Million)


Asset Value Today ($ Million)