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Whānau Engagement Hui | September 2022

The second round of Whānau Engagement Hui are  being held virtually next month, September 2022.

Join us in one of the following zoom hui, or both to get an update from our Board members regarding our 130 year Strategic Plan, the AGM and any other matters you wish to discuss with them.

Zoom details are as follows:

Tuesday the 6th of September 7.30pm

RTMRT Whānau Engagement Zoom Hui

Meeting ID: 811 3455 5697

Passcode: 520792

One tap mobile

+6436590603,,81134555697# New Zealand

+6448860026,,81134555697# New Zealand


Sunday 11th of September 3pm

RTMRT Whānau Engagement Zoom Hui

Meeting ID: 823 2391 0841

Passcode: 379000

One tap mobile

+6448860026,,82323910841# New Zealand

+6498846780,,82323910841# New Zealand