Yvette Grace
Ko Rangitumau tōku maunga
Ko Ruamahanga tōku awa
Ko Kurahaupo tōku waka
Ko Ngāti Hamua tōku hapū
Ko Rangitāne tōku iwi
Ko Yvette Hikitapua Grace tāku ingoa
Currently the CEO of Te Hauora Rūnanga o Wairarapa and previous General Manager of Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust; with previous governance experience on the Rangitāne Tū
Mai Rā Trust, Wairarapa and Hutt Valley DHBs and Te Karu o Te Ika Poari Hauora (IMPB). I will bring to the role extensive governance, strategic, financial and Hauora knowledge and experience for the benefit of ngā uri o Rangitāne.