Mavis Mullins
Rangitāne, Te Āti Haunui a Pāpārangi
Ko Ruahine te maunga Ko Ruapehu te maunga
Ko Manawatu te awa Ko Whanganui te awa tapu
Ko Rangitāne te iwi Ko Atihau nui a Paparangi te iwi
Ko Mavis Mullins ahau Tihei Mauriora
Mavis is a recognised leader in Aotearoa’s primary industry. She is an experienced governor and has chaired several large Māori land-based incorporations. Mavis humbly offers her services to strengthen and embed Hāmuatanga for the mokopuna of tomorrow.
Chrissy recently graduated with distinction as a Master of Māori and Indigenous Health leadership.
Chrissy brings a full kete of varied knowledge and experience in governance and leadership.