Piri Te Tau
Rangitāne, Kai Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Raukawa
Ko Piriniha Edward Tikawenga Te Tau taku ingoa, he Rangitane ratou ko kai Tahu,ko Kahungunu me Raukawa.
I am a founding member of Te Ruunanga o Rangitane o Wairarapa which was sanctioned by our kaumatua, whanau/hapu and formally established in the 1980s.
The kaupapa for Rangitane was to tell our story, reestablish the presence and mana of our tupuna, rangatira, Rangitane within the districts of Wairarapa and Tamaki Nui a Rua and Aotearoa.
In 2004 a Treaty of Waitangi Hearing established the legitimacy of our claim, this was evidenced in the release of the 2010 Tribunal report. In 2016, TuMai Ra Trust was created for the express purpose of managing our settlement and assets. A key Tikanga to our success was kaumatua advise, guidance and insistence that we;
Take our people with us
That our people remain integral to direction making process
Regular kanohi ki te kanohi
To ensure tautoko, accountability and transparency were evident.
It is on this basis that I put my nomination forward to ensure this tikanga is maintained, now and into the future.
I am semi-retired after a career supporting children and whanau. I bring a myriad of skills, experience and knowledge to the table that if successful, I will actively utilise as a trustee on your behalf, our children, mokopuna and future generations.