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Tū Mai Rā Energy

What we do and why we do it:

What we do:

Tū Mai Rā Energy is using its connection to Māui as inspiration to once again tame the sun and harness its energy, and other natural elements. Tū Mai Rā Energy will use its values and beliefs to help connect people and organisations to the benefits of our natural elements for energy; Tamanuiterā(sun), Tāwhirimātea(wind) and Rūaumoko(geothermal).


Why we do it:

Tū Mai Rā means to ‘Stand before the Sun’ and like our ancestor Māui, Tū Mai Rā Energy intends to harness the energy of the sun. As tangata whenua we are guardians of the land and need to empower our people to move our country towards a clean and sustainable future. We can harness the power of the sun to create tangible and sustainable benefits for our people.