Update | Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua Governance
Covid might be driving change, but we are initiating our own changes, which has provided a full complement to our runanga board. We are pleased to welcome back to our leadership table whaea Lorraine Stephenson and young gun accountant Aaron Karena. They are joining Mavis Mullins as chair, Hinekura Reiri, Taylor Mihaere and Tau Hauiti. A great mix of youth and experience, gender, skills, talents and whakapapa. Lorraine will join Mavis in a co-chair role focusing on the re-establishment of our Kahui Matarae. A recent strategy planning day bonded, fizzed, focused and hard wired our love and pride in our whanau whanui, mana whenua whakapapa and connections. Its gonna be a great year

Standing: Stephen Paewai, Taylor Mihaere, Mavis Mullins, Dallas McGuckin, Hinekura Reiri, Mahalia Paewai, Brian Paewai, Shaun Lines, Aaron Karena, Tau Hauiti, Lucretia Mason, Darrin Apanui, Jazz Hema
Seated: Hakui Ataneta Paewai, Hakoro Manahi Paewai

Lorraine Stephensson & Ataneta Paewai