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Tēnā tātou e te whānau

Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust is pleased to provide the following update from the Board Hui held in June –

Ngā kaupapa:

  • The Trust is excited to welcome Joe Hanita to the audit and risk subcommittee, e te whanaunga e mihi ana.
  • Rangitāne Tū Mai Rā Trust and Tū Mai Rā Investments are looking to consolidate their reporting. This means one annual report, one set of finances and one working plan to be presented at the AGM.
  • Lastly, our current priorities are strategy, budget and our work plan moving forward.

The Board will provide another update following their hui on the 21st of August in Whakaoriori.

Ngā tauwhirotanga


The Board is trialling videos as a new means of communication to the iwi, let us know what you think –