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Wellington region targets skills development and better connections in its first Regional Workforce Plan


The Wellington Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG) has targeted skills development and a more connected labour market in the region’s first Workforce Plan.

“We have identified the need for the region to build better connections between employers, educators and workers, and to focus on building thriving workplaces and supporting young people into employment,” said Wellington RSLG co-chair Glenn Barclay.

The plan has nine actions including encouraging large organisations to use social procurement to increase sustainable employment, promoting training and skills development in the region, and making information and support available to employers to source, retain, progress and upskill people from our priority communities.

“We have been deliberate in working with all parts of the Wellington region, as the needs of our sub-regions can be easily dominated by the volume of our cities.” said iwi co-chair Daphne Luke. She added “we have had the privilege of working with Iwi Māori who have shared their aspirations and the work that they are engaged in to ensure their future generations are skilled, knowledgeable and maximising their contributions to their communities and the wider region, and to do so, as Māori.”

The plan acknowledges the differences in the sub-regions that make up the Wellington region: Wairarapa, Porirua, Hutt Valley, Kāpiti, and Wellington City. The RSLG engaged extensively with local communities and key regional stakeholders during development of its plan and will continue to work with them on its implementation.

The plan identifies the significant shortages in qualified and skilled people the region’s employers are facing, particularly in healthcare, construction and infrastructure, digital technologies, manufacturing, the primary sector, and the visitor sector.

The Wellington Regional Workforce Plan is available on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website at